Mother's Day

Mother's Day Bouquet

A bouquet that will win the heart of every mother, bonus mother, grandmother, and animal mother out there! Filled with delicious artisan cheese and charcuterie, fruit, and sweet treats, this is the perfect way to say "Happy Mother's Day"!

Each board is hand crafted to order, unique variance to be expected.

Please give at least 48 hours notice for order.

Call to order (321) 972-6186

$75 + tax Order Here

All sales are final.


A delicious and beautiful assortment of fresh vegetables that is sure to stun your guests! 

Smaller board does not contain quite the variety as the large board but will still be a beautiful and colorful display. The small board will also contain 1 dip, your choice of vegetable dip or hummus.

Each board is hand crafted to order, unique variance to be expected.

Please give at least 48 hours notice for order.

Call to order (321) 972-6186

12x16 Board-$115 + tax Order Here

12x9 Boards-$85 + tax Order Here

All sales are final.

Cheese and Charcuterie Boards

If you’re looking for a beautiful and delicious grazing option for your next get-together, look no further! The highlight of these boards is certainly the 5 artisanal cheeses that are rotating and chef selected. But the accoutrements elevate your board to the next level! Also included are three types of charcuterie, fresh and dried fruit, nuts, jam, chocolate goodies, and a variety of crackers-kept on the side for maximum freshness!

Select from 2 sizes, or if you prefer to use one of your amazing boards just call us for custom pricing. 

Call to order (321) 972-6186

12x9 board (serves up to 8): $115+tax Order Here

12x16 board (serves up to 16): $185+tax Order Here

All sales are final.

Each board is hand crafted to order, unique variance to be expected.

Smoked Salmon Board

This platter is one to wow your guests!  Large board includes a variety of smoked salmon flavors and all of the toppings: capers, onions, artichokes, cheese spread, and so much more!  This platter is sure to please!

Smaller board contains: Sliced smoked salmon, capers, onion, olives, tomato, cream cheese spread, honey mustard spread, and sliced baguette.

Call to order (321) 972-6186

12x16 board: $185+tax Order Here

12x9 board: $115+tax Order Here

All sales are final.

Each board is hand crafted to order, unique variance to be expected.

Dessert Board

Delight your guests with an assortment of luxurious and delicious bite-sized desserts. This amazing assortment is assembled on our large board and can easily accommodate 15+ people!

Smaller board does not contain quite the variety as the large board but will still be a beautiful and colorful display.

Call to order (321) 972-6186

12x16 board: $145+tax Order Here

12x9 board: $115+tax Order Here

All sales are final.

Each board is hand crafted to order, unique variance to be expected.